Stakeholder survey - Integretrans

Stakeholder survey

Stakeholder survey
Dear Stakeholders,

We are conducting this survey to better understand your perspectives on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues and how they relate to our company. As a company committed to sustainability, we believe it is important to engage with our stakeholders to better understand their expectations and concerns related to ESG. Your feedback is crucial to us as it will help us to identify areas where we can improve our sustainability efforts and ensure that we are meeting your expectations. We thank you in advance for your time and participation in this survey, which will help us to continue to make positive contributions towards a more sustainable future.

Please name which Integre Trans stakeholder you represent*

Please name which Integre Trans stakeholder you represent*

Stakeholder survey
Dear Stakeholders,

We are conducting this survey to better understand your perspectives on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues and how they relate to our company. As a company committed to sustainability, we believe it is important to engage with our stakeholders to better understand their expectations and concerns related to ESG. Your feedback is crucial to us as it will help us to identify areas where we can improve our sustainability efforts and ensure that we are meeting your expectations. We thank you in advance for your time and participation in this survey, which will help us to continue to make positive contributions towards a more sustainable future.

Environmental aspects*

Environmental aspects*

Please tick the box indicating the degree of your concern on issues below from 1 (very low) to 5 (very high).

I don’t know
Climate change and GHG emissions | Calculation of CO2 emissions, CO2 emissions reduction and net-zero strategy, commitment to the Paris Agreement.
Energy efficiency | Use of renewable energy resources, reduction of energy consumption.
Water consumption | Reduction of water resource consumption, employee education.
Waste | Promotion of sorting, waste reduction, employee education.
Biodiversity protection | Prevention of reducing emergency situations on the road, CO2 reduction, resource conservation.
Management of hazardous materials | Prevention of reducing emergency situations on the road, training of employees to avoid accidents.
Environmental policy and management system | Assessment and management of environmental risks, plan and management of promotion of sustainable practices in the organization.
Stakeholder survey
Dear Stakeholders,

We are conducting this survey to better understand your perspectives on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues and how they relate to our company. As a company committed to sustainability, we believe it is important to engage with our stakeholders to better understand their expectations and concerns related to ESG. Your feedback is crucial to us as it will help us to identify areas where we can improve our sustainability efforts and ensure that we are meeting your expectations. We thank you in advance for your time and participation in this survey, which will help us to continue to make positive contributions towards a more sustainable future.

Social factors*

Social factors*

Please tick the box indicating the degree of your concern on issues below from 1 (very low) to 5 (very high).

I don’t know
Occupational health and safety | Ensuring the safety and health of employees, preventing accidents, promoting the physical and psychological well-being of employees.
Attracting and training people | Individual employee training plans, motivational systems, career opportunities, investments in training, internal training programs, other benefits.
Human rights, diversity, and inclusion | Ensuring equal opportunities and human rights, promoting employee diversity, non-discrimination.
Good deeds | Implementation of social and environmental projects.
Stakeholder survey
Dear Stakeholders,

We are conducting this survey to better understand your perspectives on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues and how they relate to our company. As a company committed to sustainability, we believe it is important to engage with our stakeholders to better understand their expectations and concerns related to ESG. Your feedback is crucial to us as it will help us to identify areas where we can improve our sustainability efforts and ensure that we are meeting your expectations. We thank you in advance for your time and participation in this survey, which will help us to continue to make positive contributions towards a more sustainable future.

Good governance*

Good governance*

Please tick the box indicating the degree of your concern on issues below from 1 (very low) to 5 (very high).

I don’t know
Financial results | Profitable activity.
Risk management | Risk identification, assessment, and management of environmental factors.
Sustainability strategy | Transparent business sustainability reports.
Gender equality | Equal treatment and opportunities provided to individuals of different genders, without discrimination or bias based on gender.
Sustainable supply chain | Supply chain management, suppliers’ code of ethics.
Information security | Data protection and confidentiality policy.
Ethical and transparent business development | Compliance with laws and other legal acts, anti-corruption policy, fair competition.
Innovation and digitization | Identification and implementation of innovations, optimization and digitization of processes, stakeholder engagement, good practices application and implementation.
Encouraging stakeholder engagement | Survey for stakeholders, meeting the expectations of stakeholders, development of joint projects.
Stakeholder survey
Dear Stakeholders,

We are conducting this survey to better understand your perspectives on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues and how they relate to our company. As a company committed to sustainability, we believe it is important to engage with our stakeholders to better understand their expectations and concerns related to ESG. Your feedback is crucial to us as it will help us to identify areas where we can improve our sustainability efforts and ensure that we are meeting your expectations. We thank you in advance for your time and participation in this survey, which will help us to continue to make positive contributions towards a more sustainable future.

Other ESG aspects not mentioned but important to you.

Other ESG aspects not mentioned but important to you.

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